License Wizard; previously Re: An explanation of the difficulty of solving licenseproliferation in one sentence

Justin Clift jclift at
Thu Apr 7 17:18:02 UTC 2005

Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On Thu, 2005/04/07 (MDT), <wyattnordstrom at> wrote:
>> Justin Cliff put forth the idea of a license wizard a week ago,
>> and it failed to generate any discussion.
> As it failed when the same idea has been proposed before(*):
> My feeling is that until somebody actually does the work, there will be 
> no  discussion.
> I wish I had more spare cycles to write a simple script to bootstrap 
> this  activity :-(.
> Any collaborators?


  a) Does the server support PHP?

  b) What's the first question it should ask?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

> Alex.
> (*) I do not claim I thought about it first!
>     It was just easier for me to find my own old postings...

Executive Director
Digital Distribution Global Training Services Pty. Ltd.
Premier and StarOffice Online Training providers

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