looking for a license

mkr diab at gmx.li
Sat Oct 23 16:25:47 UTC 2004

Hi John,

thank you for the reply, too.

Am Samstag 23 Oktober 2004 18:04 schrieb John Cowan:
> mkr scripsit:
> > Furthermore, I have a question about § 2 (c) of the GPL: Is this
> > paragraph also valid for HTML-Outputs of (for example) a
> > PHP-Script-Suite? Means: Am I able to require a licensee to print
> > "This webpage was setup with PHPSuperScript" at the bottom of each
> > page?
> Not unless the output of the program is itself part of the program.
> See GPL clause 0.

So - if I understand that correctly - in other word it means: As long as 
the initial web software prints out a copyright notice at the bottom of 
each page, the licensees have to follow that and must not remove this 

kind regards,

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