OSD#5 needs a patch?

John Cowan cowan at mercury.ccil.org
Thu Oct 9 02:51:18 UTC 2003

Bruce Dodson scripsit:

> However, I realize that argument must seem a little fuzzy,
> and perhaps a little too idealistic as well, for all of you
> lawyers :-).


Rick Moen the lawyer is right up there with George W. Bush the geek.
He'll see thee damned ere thou callst him "lawyer".

I marvel at the creature: so secret and         John Cowan
so sly as he is, to come sporting in the pool   jcowan at reutershealth.com
before our very window.  Does he think that     http://www.reutershealth.com
Men sleep without watch all night?  --Faramir   http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
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