Which License should I pick?

Scott Long scott at neuralnw.com
Wed Dec 10 00:05:20 UTC 2003

On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Nick Moffitt wrote:

> 	How do you currently accept submissions?  Do you take patches?
> Third-party code modules or files?  Think of how you can make clear
> the permissions granted to you by the contributors.  

Well, the project hasn't gone public yet, which is why I'm asking these 
licensing questions. I don't anticipate changes to the basic code base, 
but I do expect that people may want to write various modules.

I wouldn't necessarily be unhappy if those modules remained third-party 
(i.e., they don't become part of the project). Then, I could take care of 
the core code myself and let a packager put it all together into a bundle, 
right? How would the individual licenses of the third party modules affect 
me, if they happened to be packaged together with my code?

Thanks for your response,

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