Squeak License OSD-compliance

Cees de Groot cg at cdegroot.com
Wed Feb 27 09:52:03 UTC 2002

lichengtai at yahoo.com said:
> Hope you can make the Squeak license GNU GPL compatible.  That will
> make Squeak useful to a lot of people. 

I'll have to disappoint you there, but we are not planning to move towards the 
GPL. The GPL has problems for an environment like Squeak, which has all the 
power of a complete operating system but is typically distributed (to end 
users) as two files: the VM and the object memory image. Under the GPL, no 
matter what you'd do, distributing in this form would constitute linking and 
that would mean that commercial code would never be possible with Squeak; 
something that we expressly do want to make possible (not in the latest place, 
because it is happening and these companies are making great contributions to 
the Commons, as it should be).

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg at cdegroot.com>
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