APSL and Microsoft Broad Source License

David Johnson david at usermode.org
Sat Feb 9 23:29:05 UTC 2002

On Saturday 09 February 2002 02:48 pm, Christian Gross wrote:

> 2.1 You may use, reproduce, display, perform, modify and distribute
> Original Code, with or without Modifications, solely for Your internal
> research and development and/or Personal Use, provided that in each
> instance:
> That sentence is indeed saying you can use the software, but only for
> Personal Use, internal research and development.  From my limited legalese
> it does not allow commercial use, since the term Personal Use was
> pre-defined in the section 1.8 to preclude commercial usage.
> Could someone please explain how this sentence allows commercial usage?

It doesn't allow commercial usage. That's why you need to continue reading 
the license. The very next section allows it:

"2.2 You may use, reproduce, display, perform, modify and Deploy Covered 
Code, provided that in each instance..."

'Deploy' is defined in 1.4 as anything other than internal research and 
development or personal use. Thus 2.2 covers commercial use.

David Johnson
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