A practical example of a click-wrap license

Lawrence E. Rosen lrosen at rosenlaw.com
Mon Aug 5 11:11:01 UTC 2002

Who said that anyone has to "notify the author whenever they distribute
a modified version."  We're talking about "click-wrap upon installation
or first use" here, with a requirement that redistributers not remove
the code that does that click-wrap.  There's no similarity whatsoever.  
/Larry Rosen

> John Cowan wrote:
> Well, we have objected in the past to licenses that require 
> people to notify the author whenever they distribute a 
> modified version, on basically practical grounds (people who 
> distribute thousands of products can't send all those 
> notifications).  This seems to me, if not quite on all fours 
> with that decision, certainly related.

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