YAPL is bad (was: Re: Backlog assistance?)
Rick Moen
rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Sep 25 21:35:57 UTC 2001
begin Steve Lhomme quotation:
> Once again, as I wrote :
> "Is the OSI there to judge what a license is worth ?
Ah, I love polemical rhetorical questions! Thanks for the contribution
to my collection.
In the meantime, since you say your concerns are entirely theoretical,
and that you lack time to research specifics, we seem to have from you
no further substantive matters for discussion.
"Is it not the beauty of an asynchronous form of discussion that one can go and
make cups of tea, floss the cat, fluff the geraniums, open the kitchen window
and scream out it with operatic force, volume, and decorum, and then return to
the vexed glowing letters calmer of mind and soul?" -- The Cube, forum3000.org
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