YAPL is bad (was: Re: Backlog assistance?)

Steve Lhomme steve.lhomme at free.fr
Tue Sep 25 21:08:59 UTC 2001

| Poster:  Licences need to be approved more rapidly to introduce
| Others:  What specific examples of improvements are you thinking of?
| Poster:  Well, never mind that.  OSI _committed_ to approving licences.
| Others:  Why are you in such a flippin' hurry to get lots more licences
|          for their own sake?  Aren't you aware of the licence
|          problem for derivative works?  Aren't you aware of the problem
|          of corporations misreading the OSD as an invitations to write
|          a new licence for no better reason than to have their own.
| Poster:  Well, never mind that.  Licences need to be approved more
|          rapidly to introduce improvements!
| One could write a quite simple, yet obnoxious, script to simulate this
| behaviour.

Once again, as I wrote :

"Is the OSI
there to judge what a license is worth ? If so they should divide the OSI in
2 parts : the neutral/approval part, and the political/judging part... I
think most people need the 1st part to work or use."

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