GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad)

Greg London greglondon at
Mon Sep 24 18:58:48 UTC 2001

>Whether or not you think Apple's behavior 
>is legitimate, do you now agree that there 
>is a real behavioral difference between the 
>GPL and the APSL on this score?

civil action is not the differntiating factor.
Apple's behaviour is no different than if it were
GPL, and John failed to produce source code at
John's request. FSF would pursue him similarly.

The OSD requires the source to be given to
*at a minimum* anyone who recieves a distribution.
which means universal distribution is not required.

APSL requires that regardless of distribution,
you must publicly distribute your code.

The difference is APSL does not give you the option
of limiting source code to people to whom you give
your distributions. OSD allows source code to be
contained within a "circle of friends".

Greg London
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