No rights reserved

John Cowan cowan at
Sun May 13 05:49:54 UTC 2001

David Croft scripsit:

> As even these suggestions seem a bit too wordy for me, I am considering 
> simply switching the word "All" to "No" in the standard copyright statement:
> "Copyright 2001 David Wallace Croft.  No rights reserved."

It is actually a controversial point whether it is even possible to voluntarily
dedicate a work to the public domain under current U.S. law.  At any rate,
the "All Rights Reserved" bit is a hangover from older law, and changing it
will not release the copyright.  The work *is* copyright from birth,
whether you use a notice or not.

Instead, you are better off with a copyright notice and a license such as
the MIT license, which doesn't restrict anyone from anything except making
copies with the copyright notice removed.

John Cowan                                   cowan at
One art/there is/no less/no more/All things/to do/with sparks/galore
	--Douglas Hofstadter

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