Intuit License

kmself at kmself at
Wed Mar 7 08:28:23 UTC 2001

on Thu, Jan 01, 1970 at 02:37:46AM +0100, Philip Mötteli (moetteli at wrote:
> Hi
> I've already sent that request to the -address two weeks ago and
> haven't received any reaction so far. So I try to send it here
> directly:

You might begin, for starters, by fixing your system clock (or is it
really 1970 where you are -- I really *don't* care to relive the 70s,
80s, and 90s again), setting your mailer to wrap at a decent interval
(72 characters), and fixing what appears to be a carriage return /
linefeed and unprintable characters problem in your text submissions.

As past submission candidates have been advised, OSI is a volunteer
organization, and the submissions process is slow.  I'm not a member of
OSI or the submission process, and don't speak for either, though I'm
one of several folks who comment on this list.  I'm also inclined to
believe that a slow queue process isn't a bug.

I've also suggested in the past that the following might be helpful in
processing submissions:

  - A synopsis of your license.

  - An exhaustive analysis of existing licenses (particularly the GNU
    GPL, GNU LGPL, BSD, MIT, and Mozilla Public License), and the
    reasons for which thesse are deemed inadequate.

  - A statement of goals for the project.  I tend to see these myself
    largely as ideological (you strongly believe in free software),
    technological (you're promoting a standard or protocol, e.g.:  BIND,
    Kerberos, Apache), or free-software+business (such as the Mozilla
    project, which uses the Mozilla browser as a platform for additional
    commercial development).


Karsten M. Self <kmself at>
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
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