copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit

Angelo Schneider angelo.schneider at
Fri Apr 20 17:42:49 UTC 2001


In Europe APIs are not "copyright able".
No idea about the US.

However if you publich them in a book, the book of course is
However you can not prevent anyone to write a software against a given
Same is true for data formats. (In Europe dataformats e.g. a flat file
format for a word processor are not copyright able)


Forrest J Cavalier III wrote:
> > ----------
> > Von:  Forrest J Cavalier III[SMTP:FORREST at MIBSOFTWARE.COM]
> > Gesendet:     Freitag, 20. April 2001 13:50:06
> > An:   license-discuss at
> > Cc:   forrest at
> > Betreff:      copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit
> > Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
> >
> How can you copyright an API?  Isn't it simply a
> collection of facts?
> Perhaps you could copyright the formal parameter
> names, and certainly the documentation in a header
> file.
> But the facts of
>      function name,
>      return type(s)
>      parameter type(s)
> are just facts.  There is no creative expression involved.
> Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824
> has over 30,000 links to
> source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.

Angelo Schneider         OOAD/UML         Angelo.Schneider at
Putlitzstr. 24       Patterns/FrameWorks          Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe           C++/JAVA                Fax: +49 721 9812467

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