Source Distribution

kmself at kmself at
Tue Sep 5 05:46:57 UTC 2000

On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 01:37:47AM +0000, Ben DeLong wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question.  I am building a Linux appliance based completely on
> open source software.  In putting this appliance together I have not
> added nor modified a single line of code in any of the open source
> applications that I'm using.  As this is an appliance and storage space
> is limited, there is no room to include the source within the
> appliance.  Given that all the code in this appliance is freely
> available from a variety of locations on the net, do I have to go to the
> trouble of providing a source CD for all the open source programs that I
> have included in it?

Cf:  Section 3 of the GNU GPL, which spells out source distribution

You must distribute sources, or a promise to provide same at no more
than cost of physically performing the source distribution.  If and only
if you are considering a non-commercial use of GPL'd code can you rely
on pointing to existing distribution points.  Distribution need not be
on the appliance itself.

Karsten M. Self <kmself at>
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.          
  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!    K5:
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