"Open Source" Motif

David Johnson david at usermode.org
Tue May 16 05:18:38 UTC 2000

On Mon, 15 May 2000, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

> >The rights granted under this license are limited solely to distribution
> >and sublicensing of the Contribution(s) on, with, or for operating systems
> >which are themselves Open Source programs
> Which puts it in the same category as Qt v1: not DFSG-free, free or Open
> Source.

This got me to thinking. Perhaps the QPL (QTv2+) is the perfect license
for what the Open Group needs...

Would the Open Group be willing to take a lateral step and restrict
the usage of OpenMotif to linkage with Open Source programs only? Their
cash cow would remain intact, but their software would be fully Open
Source, as well as Free Software.

David Johnson...

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