Corel: No "internal" exemption in GPL

Derek Balling dredd at
Thu Sep 23 06:37:18 UTC 1999

At 06:20 AM 9/23/99 +0000, bruce at wrote:
>They did raise the fact that they found the GPL vague on some issues,
>like "what is distribution". It's not vague to me but then I have years
>of experience in being talmudic about the GPL.
>But I will raise with Stallman the fact that the GPL could use a definitions
>appendix. Last time I raised that issue, he said something like he didn't
>want to do that and then have them be defined later in copyright law in a way
>that would conflict with the GPL. That seems reasonable, but I will raise the
>issue again.

Considering RMS subscribes to this list (I think)... it could be argued you 
just did raise the issue again... :)


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