Notes on a license how-to

Jacques Chester thunda at
Thu Jul 29 02:07:40 UTC 1999

Hello again;

On reflection I may have been a bit of a troll. Oh well ...

I got to thinking some about the license how-to thing. I *do* believe
that a guide to selecting licenses *would* be useful.

Some topics might include:

* The legal theory behind opensource/freedomware licenses
* Issues of copyright and intellectual property law
* Common ideological issues
* Common monetary/business/economic/financial issues

* An outline of major licenses:
    * Name & Creators
    * History
    * Ideological/Philosophical foundations
    * Legal implications for Author, User, and Community
    * Legal solidity
    * "Ranking": popularity in terms of percentage representation in 
    * General comments

Looking for the big 'general' licenses: GPL, LGPL, BSD, X/MIT, 
MozPL etc.



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