Essay RFC delayed.

Kyle Rose krose at
Sun Aug 22 16:59:52 UTC 1999

Hash: SHA1

Alejandro, fix your Reply-To header. 
> I believe more hackers would rather listen to Richard than to you, 
> Eric.  Perhaps your audience is bigger when you count them with your 
> finger, but Richard is far from seeing himself in the situation 
> you describe.  There is a huge ammount of applications being 
> actively developed that make part of the GNU movement. It's hard for 
> me to understand how can you talk about the FSF marginalization. 
I have to chime in here with agreement, but also with a more specific
distinction between Richard and Eric: Richard's message appeals to the
hackers who contribute code to the movement; Eric's message appeals to
the suits who might be hiring or directing these hackers.  For the
future of free software, Richard's message is obviously the more
indispensible of the two, because all the suits in the world can't
make software without the hackers to do it.
I look on the increasing commercialization of GNU, Linux, and related
projects with amusement; but I started using them long before
commercial interests got involved, and would continue to use them were
it all to suddenly disappear.  Commercial interests might help get us
there (where "there" is a completely free computing environment) more
quickly, but either way, we will get there.
- --  
Kyle R. Rose                    MIT LCS NE43-309, Cambridge, MA 
18 Leland Street Apt. 1         617-253-5883 
Somerville, MA 02143            krose at 
I stand alone in the darkness, the winter of my life came so fast 
Memories go back to my childhood, to days I still recall. 
Oh how happy I was then; there was no sorrow, there was no pain 
Walking through the green fields, sunshine in my eyes... 
                                     - Stratovarius 
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