[beyond-licensing] quick review of scope, resources, and goals

Allison Randal allison at opensource.org
Fri Apr 15 17:03:06 UTC 2016

On 04/13/2016 02:57 PM, Karl Fogel wrote:
> Instead, what Beyond Licensing means IMHO is "things the OSI and
> allies can do, that don't involve software copyright licenses, to
> help open source as a cause". 

The tricky part of this is that there are a hundred things we could do,
and doing all of them could take 20 years. So, we really have to pick
one to start, accomplish that one, and then pick another. Okay, we can
potentially work on 2-3 at a time, but it'd be nice to have a solid
success under our belt first, so we have the confidence to tackle more,
as well as established workflow patterns.

Before we dive into one, though, it'd be nice to do a little open idea
gathering on the possibilities. I'll spin that in a separate thread.
Even if we only do one to start, the full list can be a resource on the
wiki, and something we review over the years when we've accomplished one
thing and are deciding what to tackle next.


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