[PublicPolicy] The future of EU Open Source policymaking - survey and workshop on 5 November

Deb Bryant deb.bryant at opensource.org
Thu Oct 1 20:51:04 UTC 2020

Thanks very much Astor.  I'll share it further.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 2:40 AM Astor Nummelin Carlberg <
astor at openforumeurope.org> wrote:

> Hi Deb,
> Thanks for this! The Commission is looking for *global input.* They are
> taking a very wide ranging and ambitious look at Open Source.
> Best,
> Astor
> On Wed, 30 Sep 2020 at 01:15, Deb Bryant <deb.bryant at opensource.org>
> wrote:
>> Hello Astor, thank you for posting, and for the invitation to participate.
>> I will gladly share this to my network.
>> Clarifying question: Are you looking for stakeholders, projects and
>> people that are centered within the European Union?  or is it a broader
>> global view you seek?  I can help with either, but know I will get the
>> question so want to make sure I understand the scope of your goal first.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Deb Bryant
>> On Sep 29, 2020, at 2:37 PM, Astor Nummelin Carlberg <
>> astor at openforumeurope.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Here comes a long email!
>> *tl;dr: The European Commission needs input for its Open Source impact
>> study which will guide their policies, investments and regulations in the
>> coming years. Please share the survey in your networks!*
>> OpenForum Europe and Fraunhofer ISI  are conducting  the study on the
>> impact of Open Source Software and Hardware
>> <http://www.openforumeurope.org/open-source-impact-study/> for the
>> European Commission. The project aims to provide solid evidence for shaping
>> European Open Source policies for the years to come.
>> We have now reached a crucial segment of our research - the stakeholder
>> survey. We invite you to fill it out and share the link to the survey
>> with your network (especially in the private sector). *We have included
>> some templates to simplify sharing at the end of this email.*
>> The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete and we wait for the
>> responses until 16 October.
>> The insights from the stakeholder survey are important to complement the
>> findings from the literature, the analysis of the available data and
>> several case studies. We think that you have a great network of
>> organisations and individuals that we see as crucial for this research. We
>> would more than appreciate you sharing it with your partners - the more
>> answers we have, the more reliable and close to reality our research is and
>> thus the recommendations suited for positively influencing future
>> policymaking.
>> To make it easier for you, we include some useful material you can use to
>> share the news in your newsletter or Twitter. Please let us know if you
>> have any questions or suggestions regarding disseminating the survey.
>> TAKE ME TO THE SURVEY <https://inno.limequery.com/436575>
>> We invite all types of stakeholders (SMEs, large companies, non-profits,
>> individual developers and others) to fill the survey and share their
>> experience with Open Source. Are you involved in or responsible for open
>> source projects in your organization? Do you develop Open Source solutions
>> yourself? Maybe you are a part of a scientific team implementing Open
>> Source Hardware into their research? Or using Open Source components in
>> your other projects?
>> We ask you to fill the survey within a month, so the deadline is 16
>> October. We know about your time constraints. The survey should take
>> only about 15 minutes to fill out, so we hope it won’t be too much effort
>> for you and could bring great benefits for the Open Source landscape.
>> Thank you!
>> SAVE THE DATE: 5 November
>> On 5 November we will share first insights from our research during our
>> event where we will share first insights from our research. A key theme for
>> this conference  will be ‘Open Source as digital infrastructure’. We will
>> share more information soon, but we invite you to mark your calendars.
>> Best,
>> Astor Nummelin Carlberg
>> In case of questions, you can also contact our project leader:
>> Prof. Dr. Knut Blind
>> Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
>> Tel.: +49 (0)30-314-76638
>> E-Mail: knut.blind at isi.fraunhofer.de
>> About the study:The objective of the study launched by the European
>> Commission is to investigate in detail the economic impact of Open Source
>> Software and Hardware on the European economy. It will identify strengths,
>> weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of Open Source in relevant ICT
>> policies (e.g. cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digitizing the
>> European industry, the connected car, HPC, Big Data, Distributed ledger
>> technologies, etc.). Finally, the study should propose a list of policy
>> options that can maximize the benefit of Open Source in support of a
>> competitive EU software and hardware industry and a sustainable
>> transformation of the EU economy. The project team: Fraunhofer ISI
>> (represented by Knut Blind), OpenForum Europe, Mirko Boehm and Andrew Katz.
>> You can read more about the project on our website at
>> http://www.openforumeurope.org/open-source-impact-study/.
>> Templates you can use to share information about this survey:
>> Twitter
>>    1. You can just retweet us to spread the message: (link to the tweet)
>> SURVEY: the impact of Open Source. Are you a developer, a company or an
>> organisation using or developing Open Source solutions? Fill out the
>> stakeholder survey, a part of the study we conduct for the @EU_Commission.
>> Takes 15min: https://inno.limequery.com/436575
>>    1. While publishing your own content about the survey, please do not
>>    forget to add the link to the survey
>>    <https://inno.limequery.com/436575> and to tag us with
>>    @OpenForumEurope <https://twitter.com/OpenForumEurope>.
>> Newsletter
>> We invite you to fill out the stakeholder survey that will influence the
>> future of Open Source policymaking - click here
>> <https://inno.limequery.com/436575>. It is a part of the study on the
>> impact of Open Source conducted for the European Commission by OpenForum
>> Europe and Fraunhofer ISI, you can read more about the initiative here
>> <http://www.openforumeurope.org/open-source-impact-study/>.
>> --
>> *Astor Nummelin Carlberg*
>> Policy Director
>> OpenForum Europe
>> tel +32 (0)2 486 41 52
>> mob +32 (0)497 69 08 53
>> web http://www.openforumeurope.org
>> Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope
>> <https://twitter.com/OpenForumEurope>
>> --
>> OpenForum Europe AISBL
>> Registered office: Avenue des Arts 56, Brussels 1000, Belgium
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>> Publicpolicy mailing list
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> --
> *Astor Nummelin Carlberg*
> Policy Director
> OpenForum Europe
> tel +32 (0)2 486 41 52
> mob +32 (0)497 69 08 53
> web http://www.openforumeurope.org
> Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope
> <https://twitter.com/OpenForumEurope>
> --
> OpenForum Europe AISBL
> Registered office: Avenue des Arts 56, Brussels 1000, Belgium
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