[License-review] Mozilla Public License 2.0, Release Candidate 2.

Karl Fogel kfogel at red-bean.com
Wed Nov 16 19:27:56 UTC 2011

Please look over the MPL 2.0 RC2 that Mozilla has just put out, and post
back here if you see reasons why it should not be approved as an open
source license.  I'll track any concerns in this ticket:


The RC2 license is attached to this mail in .txt and .html formats, as
is a PDF showing the RC1->RC2 changes.

When I looked over RC1 a while ago, I didn't see anything incompatible
with the Open Source Definition.  I've looked quickly over RC2 and don't
see any obvious concerns there either, but I will give it a closer look
over the next few days and hope you all will too.

My goal is to get a recommendation to the OSI before December 1st, so we
can vote on it at the next board meeting.


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