Legacy approval request - BSD license (PostgreSQL variant)

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Wed Nov 25 11:30:51 UTC 2009

Dave Page wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Simon Phipps <osi at webmink.net> wrote:
>>> So what is the next step, now that the request for review is over 30
>>> days old? Do I need to do anything else in order to allow the process
>>> to proceed?
>> Hopefully it will get covered in the next License Committee report. I gather
>> Russ was overwhelmed by work this month and that prevented him producing one
>> for the OIS BOard meeting that just passed.
> I understand that the committee met a week or two ago. Is the report
> published publicly? I'd like to know the outcome of the review.

The report
says, "License is not generic and the disclaimer doesn't cover the
PostgreSQL project submittors."

This basically means you should make "variables" along the lines of
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php to make clear how to
apply the license to other organizations.  In the course of doing so,
you should consider changing "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF
equivalent for the next paragraph.  For you, ORGANIZATIONS would
probably be set to something like "THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,
PostgreSQL Global Development Group"

Matt Flaschen

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