For Approval: IPA Font License v1.0

yuko.noguchi at yuko.noguchi at
Thu Feb 26 07:44:05 UTC 2009

Dear Bruce,

> I would suggest "a difference file from the original program, or
> information on how to get the difference file, either online or on
> physical media for no more than the cost of postage, media, 
> and handling."

will do so.

> The font could be embedded in a document, and embedding of difference
> files is not something that the word processors do. Embedding the
> difference file in each document that embeds the font would 
> also inflate
> the size of each document. Encoding a notice and URL in the 
> font is much
> more practical.

as you can see in Article 2 Paragraph 4 of the draft license, when the
fonts are embedded in a digital document file (such as PDF) 
and will stay within the file, then we do not ask to follow the license
(i.e., different file).
In any event, we will allow the users to include the URL of the
difference file when it is required.

Kind regards,


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