Request For Approval: Iggy Wanna Licence

Russ Nelson nelson at
Tue May 27 15:32:28 UTC 2008

Brendan Scott writes:
 > The relevant wording from the SleepyCat License is ....

You are making a logical error, Brendan.  You are trying to understand
the Open Source Definition by looking at the licenses we have approved.
This doesn't work.  It's like trying to understand a protocol by
looking at the programs which implement it.  What if the program
implements it incorrectly?

Just because we approved a license once doesn't mean that we would
approve the same, much less a modified, license again.

 > OKL's intention was that redistributors should not be able to avoid
 > the licence by interposing an interface layer.

What is the kernel API as used by glibc?  What is an application, if
not an interface layer?  Once you go through an API, you've lost the
ability to claim that a single work has been created, and copyright
law falls by the wayside.

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