Request For Approval: Iggy Wanna Licence

Bruce Perens bruce at
Mon May 26 04:37:07 UTC 2008

I'll add to that, just to make sure I'm being taken correctly. The odd 
name and the impossible term together make me think your request is a 
work of satire.

But I see that the company involved makes a microkernel, and it seems 
your wish is to encumber other modules that communicate with that 
microkernel across a system call interface.

If this term were applied to a web server, it would require provision of 
the source for the web browser that accessed it, no matter how far away.

"Use" is a separate right under copyright law from the creation of 
derivative works. I see it is used in the Sleepycat license, and it's 
sloppy there since the intent is clearly to encumber derivative works of 
a library. But you take that sloppyness and make it "use indirectly", 
which goes against OSD #6, because you are restricting any 
non-Open-Source clients of the program.


Bruce Perens wrote:
>    (ii) all accompanying software that uses (or is intended to use) the
>                 Software whether directly or indirectly.
> Are you attempting to play some sort of joke on us, and I'm just not 
> getting the punch line?

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