[License-discuss] Strong non-discriminatory licensing

Kevin P. Fleming kevin+osi at km6g.us
Mon Mar 16 16:37:46 UTC 2020

This sounds vaguely similar to MPL 2.0.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 11:44 AM McCoy Smith <mccoy at lexpan.law> wrote:
> From: License-discuss <license-discuss-bounces at lists.opensource.org> On Behalf Of Russell McOrmond
> Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 6:40 AM
> To: license-discuss at lists.opensource.org
> Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Strong non-discriminatory licensing
> About your separation of source and binary -- is the idea to not require "corresponding source" for a distributed binary, and to only have the copyleft principles apply to the distribution of source code?  Sounds interesting to me if you can get a lawyer on board and figure out a legally enforceable way to do it.  I suspect it won't be trivial.
> The separation of source rights from binary rights is a pretty common thing in the proprietary world.  I.e., license to source, but internal only, under NDA, right to modify but not distribute; license to binary includes right to distribute, although often with restrictions and/or payment of royalties or fees.  So a decent lawyer, with some software license agreement experience, would find the exercise perhaps not trivial but not exactly insurmountable.
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