Zeo Developer Terms of Use

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Fri Jan 28 22:00:23 UTC 2011

Chris Travers wrote:
> As an addition, if there are GPL'd dependencies you want to use, you'd
> probably get further talking to those projects in terms of what they
> expect than you will on this list.  Many different projects interpret
> these licenses in subtly different ways (see the differences in how
> Linus and RMS treat the GPL v2), and where there are concerns, talking
> to the copyright holders can be quite helpful.  It can also ensure
> fewer problems later.

They will generally relax the licence only if there is an overriding 
good, e.g. if there is no realistic way of an open competing product 
being produced and there is real perceived benefit to the world in the 

> Even the FSF has been known to grant additional copyright licenses to
> things they own the copyrights to....
> Best Wishes,
> Chris Travers

David Woolley
Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
RFC1855 says there should be an address here, but, in a world of spam,
that is no longer good advice, as archive address hiding may not work.

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