[META] a plea

Mick Semb Wever mick at wever.org
Tue Sep 11 17:20:11 UTC 2007

> For that matter we need prominant and official guidelines as to what the
> list is about.  At the moment, there is *nothing* on the OSI site which
> circumscribes accepted topics on this list.  Furthermore if you request
> a list faq, again there is none.
> No guidelines and a list named "license-discuss."  Why are people
> surprised that people use the list to discuss licenses in a free-form
> manner?

I couldn't agree more and i'm, it appears, one to blame for posting on 
the wrong list.

I came to the list through gmane's nntp gateway. I did not find any 
webpage associated to the list and the list's description did not give so 
much information. Furthermore my post received a number of very helpful 
answers, with not a single post informing me i was on the wrong list.

Better guidelines would be great, but letting new posters immediately 
know they've mis-understood the list's intention will help as well.

Sorry, for what it's worth, for posting on the list.

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