For Approval: BSD License, PostgreSQL Variant

dlw danw6144 at
Fri Oct 12 17:57:57 UTC 2007

> Someone who does none of these things is not bound by the GPL.
That's a sure-fire tautology.

CS you demonstrate a remarkable facility for ignoring the text of the 
license under discussion.

I assume there are those who endeavour  to accept the terms of the GPL 
license. Further, I assume those who do accept are aware of  sec. 2(b) 
of the GPL which states:

"b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in 
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part 
thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties 
under the terms of this License."

See the "all third parties" who are the intended third party 
beneficiaries? They must be "caused" by the licensee to be bound
"under the terms of this License". That's the heart of the "copyleft 
theory" of Richard Stallman -- an unbounded recursive contract to make a 
contract to make a contract to make a contract make a contract. . . ad 
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