For Approval: Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003

Alexander Terekhov alexander.terekhov at
Thu Oct 11 13:12:44 UTC 2007

On 10/11/07, Shriramana Sharma <samjnaa at> wrote:
> Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> > I suggest that you (OSI Board of Directors folks) form a new
> > for-profit corp  (or some such) and offer OSI
> > license submission service for say fifty bucks or so per "For
> > Approval" request to OSI (fulfilling all OSI rules and procedures,
> > unstated including, that is). Just an idea.
> I seriously object to making a business out of this. Licenses not
> OSI-approved even if OSD-compliant will not be allowed to be called
> "open source" and the process of making your license OSI-approved
> carries a fee. USD 50 is INR 2000, Mr Terekhov -- that's not a small sum
> for me, Mr Terekhov if I want to get my license OSI-approved. Often
> people writing OSS are enthusiasts and not necessary professional
> programmers who earn a lot.

Oh common, Eben's non-profit "law firm" would surely start competing
vigorously with for-profit by providing SFLC's
"clients" pro-bono "For Approval" requests to OSI service.
("Open Source ... Licensing")


"PJ points out that lawyers seem to have difficulty understanding the
GPL. My main concern with GPLv3 is that - unlike v2 - non-lawyers can't
understand it either."
                                -- Anonymous Groklaw Visitor

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