FW: Should the three new criteria be in the OSD?

Andy Tai lichengtai at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 6 15:36:50 UTC 2005

While reducing the number of licenses out there is a
worthy goal, the people at companies jumping into Free
Software/Software Libre shall not behave in the manner
in a typical corporate environment, trying to use the
OSI as a tool to get what you want.  Free
Software/Software Libre is more about the hackers, the
people working as individuals rather than
corporations.  Business models, profits, deployment in
the IT Department, etc. are all secondary.  

Free Software/Open Source will succeed because it
allows direct interaction between users and producers
of software, advancing information science by making
end users involved in the production process. 
Business needs and models cannot be the rationals for
modifying what originally was the commitment to the
world by a group of hackers (Debian) or the standards
by which the success of Free Software/Open Source is

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