looking for a license

Arnoud Engelfriet galactus at stack.nl
Sat Oct 23 15:40:15 UTC 2004

mkr wrote:
> Am Samstag 23 Oktober 2004 03:47 schrieb Arnoud Engelfriet:
> > > 4. Commercial use
> > > . Unlimited use of the software within the company for any purpose
> > > . commercial modifications: company has to inform recipient of
> > >   modification about initial developer
> >
> > I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean just to say "this
> > software was written by so-and-so"? That seems perfectly normal.
> Yes, this is exactly what I mean. Everyone who sells, supports or doing 
> further development on the software must inform the recipient which was 
> the initial work and by whom it was written.

Yes, that's the usual requirement to give credit. GPL section 1
for example requires you to "conspicuously and appropriately 
publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice".

Why do you specifically want to identify the initial work? Is it
so special?

> Furthermore, I have a question about ? 2 (c) of the GPL: Is this 
> paragraph also valid for HTML-Outputs of (for example) a 
> PHP-Script-Suite? Means: Am I able to require a licensee to print "This 
> webpage was setup with PHPSuperScript" at the bottom of each page?

That's a good question. personally I would say no, since the
GPL requirements apply for distribution of the _program_ and
not to outputs of the program. But I have seen several GPL-licensed
web applications where the author has stated that such a
requirement follows from the GPL.


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies: http://www.iusmentis.com/

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