Open Source Definition : can it be made explicit about non-copyright issues?
Alexander Terekhov
Fri Jan 16 10:43:14 UTC 2004
Russell McOrmond wrote:
> deal with some of the worst cases we are currently dealing with.
Care to provide some SPECIFIC example(s) involving IBM? You've
mentioned before IETF and OASIS. Well, IETF with its RAND patent
licensing policy aside for a moment (
and see also, I've found
the following:
"[...] IBM will, upon written request, provide a nonexclusive,
royalty free patent license, with other reasonable and
nondiscriminatory terms and conditions, for those patents issued
to IBM which contain claims essential, in IBM's judgment, to
implementations of the Specification and for which IBM is able
to provide patent licenses (including patents issuing on the
published patent applications disclosed above), for implementing
the Specification. This patent license is available to all
entities. If a party requesting a patent license also has claims
essential to the implementation of the Specification (hereafter
"Requestor Claims"), IBM will grant this patent license only if
the recipient, in return, will grant IBM a reciprocal license,
with substantially identical terms and conditions, under the
Requestor's Claims. If a party has a license with respect to IBM
Essential Claims and acquires, by any means, one or more Requestor
Claims and refuses to grant IBM a reciprocal license (with
substantially identical terms and conditions) under such
Requestor Claims, IBM may suspend or revoke the license IBM
granted to such party."
"Lawrence E. Rosen" wrote: <in the other thread>
> industry standard software. I would welcome IBM's commitment
> to THAT goal as well. This can perhaps be accomplished if IBM
> and other companies actively support open-source-friendly patent
> policies for standards organizations similar to that adopted by
> W3C, an effort that IBM has conspicuously refused to make
> outside of W3C.
Well, here's an example that has really nothing to do with W3C.
"[...] On the patent
- It's normal business practice.
- Benefit: Could make the encoding public early on.
- Problem: Does it stop necessary support?
- "RAND" licensing it typical, but because it's an encoding,
it's more valuable that it's used at all.
Delp: This has to get through parent committees.
Cowlishaw: At a minimum, do the base requirement for IEEE. Will
look into royalty free licensing. "
This is about ("General Decimal
Arithmetic") and IBM's US Patents 6,437,715/6,525,679 (equivalents
in Europe and Japan aside for a moment), I guess. Now, here's the
"[...] IBM has already written the necessary formal letter to the
IEEE stating that this will be Royalty Free for implementers of
the standard (rather than RAND), though RAND is permitted by IEEE
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