GPL + proprietary code license

Rod Dixon rdixon at
Thu May 22 04:59:00 UTC 2003

I am not sure whether the original poster was serious. IF, by "commercial" software the poster meant proprietary software, then the question is based on a false premise.

Mark Rafn <dagon at> wrote:
>On Wed, 21 May 2003, CI Group wrote:
>> what happens if one uses commercial software licensed under the terms 
>> that imply that any software that integrates in the software or is added 
>> to the software (or a larger work) must be licensed under the same 
>> license is used with GPL licensed software.
>You may be violating the EULA of the commercial software if you integrate
>GPL software into it and do not distribute the result.  It would depend on
>the exact license and whether it's enforceable.  The GPL does not restrict
>use in any way.  Neither does copyright law, for that matter - your
>violation depends on you having a contract with the provider of the
>proprietary software.
>If you distribute the resulting derived work, you are in violation of 
>copyright because you cannot use the GPL for the entire work.
>Mark Rafn    dagon at    <>  
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