discuss: EPD CORE OPEN SOURCE LICENSE - Version 0.1

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Mon Feb 24 16:35:07 UTC 2003

Thanks to everyone who has contributed suggestions so far.

After further review, we're still not completely happy with the QPL and
wish to continue revision and discussion on the EPD Core license.

I am posting a V.2 of this license, which has incorporated many of the
changes suggested earlier in this thread.  Thanks to the suggestions from
the list, we are much happier with this version than the first version
and would like to continue discussion.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies



This EPD Core Open Source License (the "License") applies to the "EPD
Core" software product (the "software").

This License identifies the terms under which you may use, copy,
distribute or modify Licensed Product.

The overall purpose of this license is to make the software as useful
to the user community as possible, while still allowing a viable
business to result from its development and distribution.

The terms of this License are:

1. Nothing in this license shall be interpreted to mean that any module
    designed to work with or distributed with the software must be
    distributed under this license. In no way shall anything in this
    license be interpreted to limit the licenses under which modules
    designed for the software may be published. In no way shall any
    module's licensing terms or interaction with any other module or the
    software be interpreted to alter or negate the terms of this license
    or the license terms of any other module.

2. You are granted the non-exclusive rights set forth in this license
    provided you agree to and comply with any and all conditions in this
    license.  Whole or partial distribution of the software signifies
    acceptance of this license.

3. You may use or give away unmodified copies of the software, alone or
    as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing
    programs from several different sources. No royalty or other fee is
    required. You may <b>not</b> charge any fee for the software. You may
    charge a reasonable fee for producing and delivering media containing
    the software. You may also charge a fee or license other softwares
    provided on the same media, as long as it is made clear that the
    software portion of the distribution covered by this license is
    provided free of charge.

4. All distributions of the software must reproduce this License and
    disclaimer in its entirety.

5. All distributions of this software must make available the entire
    collection of files as officially distributed by the copyright owner,
    including all documentation.

6. You may not, in any way, misrepresent this software as being part of
    any aggregate product, or misrepresent the original developer and
    copyright holder of the software.

7. You may use the software for any legal purpose.

8. Output generated by the software and information stored and organized
    by the software is not covered by this License, nor is it the property
    of the Copyright holders.

9. You may charge any fee you find reasonable to support this product.

10. You may modify the software in any manner that you see fit, and you
     may charge a fee to do so with no royalties due to the Copyright
     holder as long as the modifications abide by at least one of the
     following conditions:
     1. The modifications are not distributed and are solely for your use,
        or the use of your direct employer who authorized you to make such
        modifications. In a relationship with an employer, the modification
        can only be made with a single employer and is not covered by this
        condition if multiple employers pay for the same modification.
     2. The modifications are distributed in patch form, are distributed
        under the terms of this License, and are clearly identified as
        such.  When modifications are distributed under this license, a
        non-exclusive royalty-free right is granted to the initial developer
        of the software to distribute your modifications in future versions
        of the software provided such versions remain available under these

11. You accept that the Licensed Product is provided without any
     warranty of any kind, without even the implied warranty of
     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You accept that
     neither the Copyright holder nor any contributors are liable for any
     damages of any kind.

12. Any distribution that contains the software must have the following
     acknowledgment prominently displayed to the user prior to
     installation or use of the software: "This product includes software
     freely available from Potential Technologies

13. The names "Potential Technologies" and "EPD" may not be use to
     endorse or promote products or distributions without the prior
     written consent of Potential Technologies.


MODULE is defined as a collection of computer code designed or claimed
  to interact with the software in such a manner as to extend its
  capabilities without altering the capibilities the software has without
  the module.

DISTRIBUTION is defined as a means of transporting software from one
  individual or organization to another, including but not limited to
  compact disk, downloadable archives, and preinstalled computer systems.

AGREGATE PRODUCT is defined as any collection of softwares related or
  unrelated. This includes, but is not limited to an operating system
  that includes the software, and modules that include the software with
  the module distribution.

SUPPORT is defined as training, troubleshooting, installation,
  configuration or any other activity that facilitates the use of the
  product. Except that it does not include modification of the software.

PATCH is defined as a method of distributing modifications that requires
  that the unmodified software first be present, then some action be
  consciously initiated by a user to apply the modifications, whether
  manually applied or by some automation.

MODIFICATION includes any alteration to the code as provided in an
  official distribution, except those alterations specifically designated
  as configuration in the documentation of the software.

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