Why? & Re: Will we be sued?

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Dec 30 08:52:14 UTC 2003

Quoting John Cowan (cowan at mercury.ccil.org):

> Although this posting was written by a non-lawyer, I am not *your*
> non-lawyer, nor are you my non-client.  If you have a specific problem,
> you should pay your own non-lawyer the big bucks to give you his
> very own personalized non-answer.

Is it just me, or does this seem to call for a standardised non-disclaimer?

Cheers,        "A raccoon tangled with a 23,000 volt line, today.  The results
Rick Moen       blacked out 1400 homes and, of course, one raccoon."
rick at linuxmafia.com                                  -- Steel City News
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