UnitedLinux and "open source"

David Johnson david at usermode.org
Fri Jun 7 02:20:52 UTC 2002

On Thursday 06 June 2002 03:14 pm, Andy Tai wrote:
> Hmmm...
> Ransom Love loves to hold Linux binaries for ransom.
> Whether that follows the OSD or not, the community
> should actively oppose Ransom Love, because holding
> binaries for ransom is contrary to the spirit of open
> source.  Hopefully the community leaders like Mr.
> Perens and the OSI can publicly issue statements
> opposing Ransom's plan.

Let's see, Gentoo Linux doesn't offer binaries but no one is bitching about 
them. Rock Linux doesn't offer binaries but no one is bitching about them. 
Hell, half the stuff on SourceForge doesn't have a binary. Is it just 
something about the way Ransom Love combs his hair that makes people want to 
redefine the GPL every time he manages to follow it? Does the GPL really say 
that you have to treat people who publicly state they don't like the GPL 
differently from those that do?

David Johnson
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