open source licenses and algorithms

David Johnson david at
Tue Jan 22 02:22:44 UTC 2002

On Monday 21 January 2002 08:03 am, Michael Bauer wrote:

> On the other hand, I always thought forking code was a bad thing.  Unless
> you wanted to develop a nice commercial alternative to open source.

A quick list of Good Forks(tm):

Gnu Emacs / XEmacs
	Some bad blood still exists between the two camps, but the user definitely 
won on this fork.

386BSD / FreeBSD / NetBSD / OpenBSD / Darwin
	The cross pollination between these projects is simply amazing.

Redhat / Mandrake
	Redhat dropped the ball on KDE and Mandrake stepped in with a simple fork 
that subsequently became the Linux distro of choice for newbies.

David Johnson
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