QuantLib License 1.0 submitted for OSD branding

Ferdinando Ametrano ferdinando at ametrano.net
Fri Jan 11 11:25:12 UTC 2002

Abe Kornelis wrote:
>BSD allows redistribution of binaries without making the source(s) 
>available. Is that what you want?
Yes, it is.

Karsten M. Self wrote:
>In _my_ lay opinion, any language change must be approved, but the 
>approval should be trivial.
I'll submit for approval, just to be sure

David Johnson wrote:
>The authors are indeed authors, so it's appropriate to list them in the 
>AUTHORS file, but they might not be the copyright holders.
Unless proven wrong I assume they (actually we) are not copyright holders. 
I think this is safer for QuantLib

Karsten M. Self wrote:
>Under US law, works under employment (but not contracted works) are 
>considered works for hire, and the employer is the copyright 
>holder.  Under various EU law, there are other rights which may remain 
>with the actual individual uathoring the work.
Is there a forum where I could ask info about this?
I know of discuss at fsfeurope.org and discussioni at softwarelibero.it. Any other?

thank you everybody

ciao -- Nando

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