Is inherited class a derivative work?

Karsten M. Self kmself at
Thu Oct 25 06:55:45 UTC 2001

on Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 07:09:48PM -0700, David Johnson (david at wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 October 2001 04:01 pm, Michael Beck wrote:
> > No, it has nothing to do with it. Otherwise you would imply that every
> > author not giving away the rights to his/her creation (book, movie, song,
> > painting, house design, etc.) wants to have a "complete megalomaniac
> > control" over their creation. 
> Some creators are complete megalomaniacs. I remember a case (Santa Cruz I 
> think) where the painter sued to prevent the demolition of a building because 
> his mural was on the side, despite the fact that he sold the mural and did 
> not own the building.
> I would consider any architect that told me I couldn't "place a garage 
> between living room and bedroom" to be a complete megalomaniac.

I'd like to suggest that discussions consisting largely of references to
megalomania, living rooms, garages, and bedrooms, suggests the topic has
strayed rather wide the charter of license-discuss.

I'd also strongly recommend Mr. Beck to reflect quietly on the counsel
of two attorneys who've contributed to this thread.


Karsten M. Self <kmself at>
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