Is inherited class a derivative work?

Martin Konold konold at
Sat Oct 20 21:47:29 UTC 2001

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Angelo Schneider wrote:

> In Germany dynamic linking is: "derived work".

Please refer me to the law which claims that.

> Programs using a GPLed library are derived from that library because
> they LINK with it. Not becasue the call routines from it. (In germany no
> one would distinguish between dynamic and static linking, because the
> result is a set of copies of copyrighted pieces in main memory of the
> executed process, so all copied parts fall under copyright, because you
> copy them into main memory)

But the person doing the linking ist different?!

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Stauffenbergerstr. 107, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany  //
// Email: konold at                                            //
// KDE 2.2.1: It is real!                                             //

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