Wonka Public Licence

Chris Gray chris.gray at acunia.com
Fri Nov 16 08:19:31 UTC 2001

Russell Nelson wrote:

> Chris Gray writes:
>  > If we had a copy on our site we wouldn't be referring to yours. %~
>  > Or are you proposing that we take a `snapshot' of your page and
>  > incorporate it into our site?
> Okay, I may have been confused.  Were you proposing to use the BSD
> license?  If not, maybe you should just submit your license for
> approval and be done with it.  From the reviews on license-discuss,
> it'll be smooth sailing.

O.K., let's rewind a bit.  Start with

The only differences between this and the body of
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html are:

  1. An introductory sentence "All of the documentation and software ..."
    which is present in the /usr/src/COPYRIGHT of my FreeBSD installation
    but not in your text.

  2. A postamble (modelled on something once used for Mach) which
    requests but does not require users to contribute stuff back, and
    disowns any scurrilous comments we hackers may have put in the
    code. ;>

I didn't actually notice difference (1) until I was typing this letter.
If it's an error, then it's a cut&paste error on my part.  SFAICS it's
completely harmless, as is (2).  So if you make a distinction between
"the license" and "the contents of file wonkapl.html" then you can
say the license *is* the BSD license, which happens to be preceded
and followed by some harmless waffle.

Like I said earlier, waffle it may be, but it ((2)) was all put there at one
time or another by somebody, and I might have trouble getting it removed.

Less confused?


Chris Gray
VM Architect, ACUNIA

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