Usage of Open Source Licensed software as service

Ruslan contact at
Fri Nov 9 09:12:31 UTC 2001

Hi all!

Can i ask respectfull subcribers of this mailing list one important for
me(and I hope for others too), question?

I am designing a project, which being developed and licensed under GPL, will
offer platform for e-commerce, for using in commercial environment.

Simply saying, it will be a software for sites with e-commerce (catalog,
shopping cart, purchase process) capabilities.

But being open source software by itself, installed and used on site,
should it be open source for clients of that particular site?

I understand what if some person will do modifications to the code, he/she
should release these under GPL license, but if this person do not change the
code, just use it to present services to clients on the site?

Which problems could such commercial users run into?

More info about project:

Ruslan Gainutdinov,
contact at

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