License Question

David Johnson david at
Sat Jun 23 01:36:40 UTC 2001

I can't remember if I have already responded to this. If I have, please 
forgive me...

On Thursday 21 June 2001 03:27 am, Stephane Routelous wrote:
> I've read the Q Public License V1.0 . They are saying :
> (§6-c)
> If the items are not available to the general public ( Here I understand
> commercial (?)), and the initial developer of the software ( it's me )
> requests a copy of the items, then you must supply one.
> What do they mean with a copy ? it is a copy of the binary ( of the
> application ), or it is the source code of the application ?

I believe it refers to whatever is being distributed. If it is only binaries, 
then you may request a binary.

> Is it also a way to force the modifications of MyLibrary to be included in
> MyLibrary ( in the QPL ( §3 ), they are allowing to distribute separately
> the modifications if the License of the modification are not release under
> the QPL ) ?

No, not under the QPL. If the modifications are distributed under th QPL, 
then you get a non-exclusive royalty free right to use them. But the QPL does 
not require modifications to also be under the QPL.

It sounds like, from the ordering of the clauses, that the QPL does not 
require modifications to be open sourced, like it does for applications and 
components linked to Qt.

> I didn't think that it was so complicated to choose a license !!

Which is why most people just use one license, once they discover one that 
works for them.

David Johnson

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