tomsrtbt license, take 4

Tom Oehser tom at
Sun Apr 22 15:02:33 UTC 2001

OK, this should be unambiguous enough for anyone, and I fixed the
problem someone pointed out that it was too wide to quote in an email
reply without screwing up the formatting:

 * This copyright covers tomsrtbt as a whole and any components which may *
 * be so protected.  Some components are covered by other licenses and/or *
 * copyrights such as the GPL which prohibit additional restrictions, for *
 * these components construe "MUST" as "DAMN WELL SHOULD, PRETTY PLEASE". *  
 *                                                                        *
 * You MUST credit the source of what you are redistributing as tomsrtbt, *
 * from, Tom at Toms.NET, Copyright Tom Oehser 2001, *
 * and include this entire notice, verbatim.  Tomsrtbt has no warranties, *
 * not even implied fitness or usefulness, if it breaks keep both pieces. *
 *                                                                        *
 * Under these strictures you may freely redistribute, incorporate, copy, *
 * imbibe, modify, or do anything else to it or with it that you care to. *


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