Proposal for OSI Certification: The SteelBlue License

David Johnson david at
Sat Sep 9 01:48:03 UTC 2000

On Fri, 08 Sep 2000, kmself at wrote:

> > 5.  TERMINATION.  In the event of any default or failure of User to
> >     abide by the terms hereof, this license may be revoked by TCG
> >     without prior notice and all rights granted hereunder rescinded.
> >     In the event of such revocation, the Program and all copies
> >     thereof however stored and on all media, temporary and permanent,
> >     shall be returned to TCG or destroyed or otherwise disabled by
> >     User.  Upon request User shall provide sufficient evidence of
> >     compliance said obligation.
> Unilateral termination language is generally not favorably received.
> You can yank rights at any time.  Sorry, I won't play.

I think you have misinterpreted the clause. The way I read it, they can
only yank rights away if the user does not abide by the license. This
isn't unilateral, it can only happen through specific action by the

Although I don't like how they can terminate usage rights. It would be
much better if only distribution rights were terminated upon license

David Johnson

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