gpl backlash?

Paul Crowley paul at
Sun Jul 25 13:32:55 UTC 1999

"Jacques Chester" <thunda at> writes:
> The above list is not comprehensive, by any means. I begin to think
> that this list might wish to work towards a License HOW-TO, which
> sets out several aspects of the common licenses and how to choose
> your best choice. For maximum interoperability with the GNU project
> and low hacker objection, for example, the GPL is the only choice.

Any license that gives you the option of redistributing under the GPL,
implicitly or explicity, is "GPL-compatible" and grants the same
freedoms.  It just doesn't necessarily "forbid anyone to deny you
these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights".
\/ o\ paul at     Got a Linux strategy? \ /
/\__/ Paul Crowley /~\

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