A License

David Johnson arandir at meer.net
Tue Dec 21 02:51:02 UTC 1999

On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Rafi M. Goldberg wrote:
> -Redistributions in binary or source code form must include complete and
> unaltered documentation from prior distributions provided that it is not
> obsolete, in which case said documentation must be properly updated.

I'm a bit confused about this clause. How does one determine that the
documentation is obsolete? Couldn't I just declare it obsolete,  and
redistribute the software with my "updated" documentation?

Overall, I'd say this license differs only from the BSD/MIT in that it attempts
to protect the software's "artistic integrity". I would humbly suggest looking
at the Artistic License for your needs, since it is essentially restricting and
permitting the very same things your license is.


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