<html>Greetings everyone,<br /><br />I'd like to get a new license approve,<br />this license is complying with the OSD.<br />The project <a href="https://gitlab.com/setup-tooling-project/setup-tool">Setup Tool</a> is planning to adopt this license as soon as it's approved.<br />The person maintaining this license is myself.<br />I have not send it to review by the FSF or such yet.<br />The license attached is called "Setup Tooling License 1.3".<br />This license is not exactly filling a big gap, it is more about matching it to the projects needs.<br />As it is derived from the MIT license it is very similar to that,<br />the difference made is a restriction to use or better said no use in closed-source software.<br />The license was not drafted by a lawyer.<br /><br />Best regards,<br />Eddi-Jay Ohlms<br />BurningPho3nix, Maintainer and Project Lead Setup Tooling Project</html>