<html><head></head><body><blockquote type="cite" class="protonmail_quote" style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0.6rem !important; margin: 0px !important; border-style: solid !important; ; border-image: none !important; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 1px !important; margin-block: 1rem 20px !important; margin-inline: 0px !important; ; ;San Francisco", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; ; font-style: normal; ; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; ; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none;"><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor; ; ;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">Zenin Software License</span><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">Version 1.0</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">Definitions:</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">1. "Software" refers to the computer software program and any accompanying materials, including documentation and associated media, provided under this license.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">2. "User" refers to any individual or entity that obtains a copy of the Software and utilizes it.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">Terms and Conditions:</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">1. Non-Commercial Use: The Software is granted for use solely in non-commercial contexts. Any form of commercial use, including but not limited to the integration of the Software into for-profit products or services, is strictly prohibited.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">2. Limitations:</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> a. Liability: In no event shall the author or contributors of the Software be held liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of data, profits, or business interruption, resulting from the use of the Software, whether in a legal or illegal context.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> b. Warranty: The Software is provided "as is," without any express or implied warranties. The author and contributors expressly disclaim all warranties, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> c. Trademark Use: Users are not authorized to use any trademarks or service marks associated with the Software for any purpose, including but not limited to branding or promotional activities.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> d. Patent Use: The author and contributors of the Software do not grant any patent licenses or patent-related rights for the use, modification, or distribution of the Software. Users must address any patent concerns separately and independently.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> e. Private Use: The Software may be used for private, personal use, but it is not transferable, sublicensable, or usable in any way that allows third parties to access or use the Software.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">3. Restrictions:</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> - Distribution: The distribution of the Software to third parties is expressly forbidden. Users are required to obtain the Software directly from the author or through an authorized source. This restriction ensures the integrity of the distribution process and compliance with the terms of this license.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">4. Conditions:</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> a. Malicious Use: Users are bound to employ the Software in an ethical and lawful manner. Any actions involving malicious, unlawful, or inappropriate use of the Software are strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to any activities that violate local, national, or international laws.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> b. Disclaimer of Liability: The author and contributors of the Software absolve themselves from any responsibility for the consequences arising from the use of the Software. Users assume full responsibility for their use of the Software, and this agreement limits the author's and contributors' liability to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> c. Acceptance: The use of the Software signifies the user's full acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in this license. If the user does not agree with any provision of this license, they must refrain from using or distributing the Software.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">5. Additional Restrictions:</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">In addition to the restrictions listed above, the author of the Glitter Scripts Software License may also want to consider adding the following restrictions:</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> a. Reverse Engineering: Prohibiting users from reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembling the Software.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> b. Modification: Prohibiting users from modifying or creating derivative works of the Software.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> c. Embedding: Prohibiting users from embedding the Software into other software applications.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"> d. Technical Support: Disclaiming any obligation to provide technical support for the Software.</span></div><div style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ; outline: currentcolor;"><br style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;"></div><span style="unicode-bidi: plaintext; ;">Note: This license has not been reviewed by a legal professional and does not constitute legal advice. For the use of custom licenses, it is highly recommended to seek legal counsel from an attorney specialized in intellectual property or software licensing to ensure that it aligns with your specific requirements and holds legal validity.</span></div></blockquote><caret></caret></body></html>